Can I Trust The Process of Surrendering All?…a Divine Perspective

Look around you.

 Look at all I have created.

In the stillness of the morning… one lone daffodil stands in the lawn…. How did it get there? It did not just appear from nowhere but was planted as a bulb…a non-descript bulb. But in that “seed,” though dormant in hand, once placed in the warmth of the soil and watered, its full potential was released…bit by bit!

Changes began.

Something within its core, placed there by Me, was cued to create…to come to life.

 Over time…a bit of rain, more warmth, a frost or two, the elements surrounding promoted growth, sparks My intention for its ability to become all I created it to be.

Heaven celebrated when the first tip of green broke through the soil, its first exposure after its pregnancy in the dark unseen world in which it began…the development in the secret place that can only be seen by Me.

Then day by day its structure is formed and strengthened, and when grown well, will fully support the weight and splendour of the full bloom. A day or two to unfurl the petals, stretch and reach full potential then there is the flower standing in all its glory…unmistakably beautiful, standing bright and strong…a testament to the plan and orchestration of My creation for its timed perfection and purpose and joy to all who see…. even to those unaware or disinterested in the process and elements that have produced such an extraordinary flower.

 It is a process.

You are a process my love.

 It is the delight of My heart to see you grow and realise the potential I have placed within you…within every one of my beautiful children. The conditions to realise that potential will not always be ideal…but it does take someone to plant the bulb. The Provision of rain and sun for its growth will come from Me. You can trust that I will see that you receive what you need to develop. It requires no work from you to grow.

As you grow and flower, you are developing beneath in secret, more bulbs…tiny packages of future potential. I am seeding within you a greater harvest for next year, a harvest of, as yet, hidden potential that will gather momentum and draws on your experience and testimony, and in time they will erupt into their own expression of My goodness and creativity.

I see your heart and know you. Trust Me my beautiful one…trust My heart for you is full of the deepest love you cannot fathom. It is no danger to you to trust Me. Leave behind the old paradigms and beliefs of Me and know My love for you includes your joy. I am preparing you…growing you. It is a lifetime journey. You do not need to know all the steps along the way…. the details of each process of all that I will bring to you or ask of you. Just journey this day in the joy of My provision for you. Bloom where you have been planted! Let the beauty of My grace in your life shine. Enjoy the day. Enjoy the journey. Trust My heart for you and My nature…. for you are precious to Me.

Philippians 1:6..”being confident of this, that ( God) He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”. NIV

As I put down my pen, a cockatoo flew down from the tree and standing next to this lone daffodil, snapped off the flower threw it to the ground, then flew off. The careless disregard for the flower’s beauty and its defiant attack…in this particular moment and the daffodil’s significance to me, made me angry. God…why??

You must protect what I place in you. Others will not always honour or acknowledge all it has taken…. what you have given…what I have given you…in your walk with Me. Treasure all in your heart and do not allow the enemy to steal your joy or confidence. Sometimes the flower may be snapped off but life in the bulb remains!


Proofreading , editing and advice

Jeff Roorda, Anna Mellor and Tim de Wal