A small gift from the Creator…

I’m so taken by how God uses even the smallest things to jolt my memory or remind me of a truth.

Yesterday morning, I was up early with the aim to go walking. It was quiet and I sat briefly with a cuppa before heading out to enjoy some alone time with God…to walk and pray. I find my prayer less formal …more conversational and intimate when I walk, talk, and listen. I just wanted to grab a verse or word to meditate on before I left.

Right there on the floor was a dragonfly…perfect in every way…except dead. Its wings iridescent, its body shiny and its legs folded up towards its head, as if kneeling to pray. I could have easily missed it, but the word transformation came to mind as I picked it up. I love dragonflies! I did a search recently on the “spiritual” meaning of dragonflies for a group of women in a rehabilitation centre as I’d made some beaded ones as a gift. The dragonfly is renowned worldwide as a symbol of transformation.

Be transformed by a renewing of your mind…Romans 12:2. The Passion Translation words it like this:

“…be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes.”

As I walked, rummaging in my bag, I found a small notebook with a word God had given me months before…a call to make time to be with him, a place and space sacrosanct for an exchange of my cares and anxieties for His peace, purpose, and power. As I sat for a coffee, I read again that word given after marvelling at God’s grace and subtle but purposeful interactions with me when I take the time to listen, notice, see…when I’m tuned in to Him with a desire for exchange…intimacy.

Pen in hand and notebook turned to a fresh page, I began to write. I share this brief and personal God encounter with you as a reminder to you of how precious you are to your Heavenly Father and that He uses everything to convey His love to you and through you to others.

“I left for you this morning, a gift…a reminder of transformation, of timing and treasured beauty. Stay tuned to the tiny, almost unseen, and imperceptible graces of each day and the intricate beauty in nature around you and to the delicate balance of life that is held in My hands.

Although fragile in its form and its short life, the dragonfly plays a unique and precious part in that balance.

You too, seemingly invisible in your activities and daily living, are fulfilling a unique and precious part in my plan. Step out each day in that confidence that in your small “doings” and interactions, you are impacting the lives of others…sowing seeds.

So spread those delicate and intricately woven wings of yours, knowing that though fine, they have the capacity to lift you above the fray and transport you in your purpose.”

2 replies on “A small gift from the Creator…”

  1. Fantastic read. So inspiring! Thankyou for gracing me with this gift today! Yes. We need to notice the little things. Holy Spirit is always speaking to us. We need to have eyes open to see and ears open to hear. We need to lean into Him. He meets us more than half way. Keep up the great work!

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