The Power of Thank to express gratitude from the heart

When Thank you seems inadequate… I was kneeling in prayer, looking out at my moonlit yard…that beautiful light on the trees, silhouetted against the black sky. The stars were just amazing. Then words, thank you fell from my lips in prayer, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the inadequacy of those 2 words. I’d spent …

How To Access the Divine Presence of Jesus

I was never one of those kids with a wild imagination. In the playground, I was bemused by the elaborate game strategies and complex rules coming from the mouths of the kids in charge as they had the “vision” of how everything played out. It was all a great mystery to me. Now in adulthood …

When my images or words don’t make the grade…

. If a Picture paints a thousand words… In this case it was a photograph…or many, taken on a recent trip around New Zealand. My husband and I love New Zealand. It’s a photographer’s heaven on earth! Around every corner, at every roadside stop, from every window, a vision of The Creator’s handiwork was there …

“The spirit is willing…but the flesh is weak”

I am aware, at times, of a moment or two of understanding…a glimpse of what God intended in His relationship with us…a longing for us to “get it” …to actually grasp the enormity of the sacrifice He made for us. We accept so glibly, the account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He …

FREE DIVING…take a deep dive into the Presence of God.

I find God is calling me yet again to dive deeper to discover more of Him. I would not have ordinarily watched a program on Free Diving…an extreme sport, of underwater deep diving that relies on breath-holding until resurfacing rather than using scuba gear. Called “The Deepest Breath”, this documentary showed this discipline is for …


Luke 24:1-35 The stone is rolled away. The tomb is empty…devoid of “Hope.” The empty space echoes the silence…the sound of confusion. The hollow cavern of what has passed, beckons them in. The inexplicable rattles around in their heads. They stand absorbing the darkness into the very fibres of their being. They are adrift in …

Hatching His Holiness

Darkness.  Divinity hidden from sight and scrutiny. God’s purposes and plan unfolding in secrecy. A spiritual war waging out of sight and comprehension.  God’s salvation plan birthed in eternity gestating here now, in human time, patiently waiting for its revelation. Darkness. Disciples in utter despair and defeat, veiled in the confusion and grief of shattered …

The unexpected…and God’s unusual way make room for it

How to expect the unexpected. To become comfortable with being unprepared. To let go of what is reasonable, reassuring, responsible. God is Masterful at lovingly pointing out those things we need yet to take care of. It has been said that “God loves us the way we are…but He will not leave us that way.” …