Heaven Came Down…

I woke with this vision in the wake of my blog writing about Mary.

A diarama…my crude sketch attempt to capture what I could see in my head.

The background slow motion, moving. Bethlehem at census time. Streets packed with people. Locals manning stalls to provide food for the influx of travellers called to register at the town of their birth . People jostling to be the first to secure accommodation at inns…and many homesteads taking in distant relatives and random visitors. Bethlehem, pulsating with focussed activity. Everyone going about their business, oblivious to the movement of God and all He has planned and deemed to be…and those He has prepared for this moment.

In the foreground of the diarama….

A small stable on the outskirts of town, away and out of sight of the town and all its busyness….Mary and Joseph, kneeling in the straw looking down on the Christ child, lost in the awe and wonder of what they vaguely understood to be a monumental moment in history. The light of glory beams down on this one tiny spot….illuminated…God at work, in seeming obscurity…His plan outworked in time and space…in quietness. In the willingness and the obedience of these two young people, the world will be forever changed.

Could it be that we are those 2 people? That God is asking of me just what He asked of Mary? And can I be brave enough…confident enough in the God who loves me…to say yes to the seemingly impossible? To make myself available to Jesus dwelling within me..to come, “grow” within me gestating a relationship of love and trust, developing an unbreakable bond so precious and intimate?

Am I willing to allow God to birth something within me and trust He will take care of all that I would deem impossible and watch and wait as He manoeuvres heaven and earth in and around me to fulfil His purpose?

Can I, in all honesty speak the words of Mary… “I am your servant. I accept whatever You have for me. Let it come to pass” and be comfortable and confident in God’s promise and claim for myself that…”Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible for God”, enough to step out in courage?

In my thinking over these questions and reflecting on the brief account in Luke of Mary, I would love to have someone speak over me the words Elizabeth spoke to Mary “Great favour rests on you…for you have believed every word spoken to you from the Lord”.

With the onset of another year….That is what I will aspire to… by the grace of God.

2 replies on “Heaven Came Down…”

  1. Wow Naomi, I love it, keep blogging seeds of righteousness. Today God sees you as he saw Mary because he saw Jesus (Emanuel God with us) in her and in the life of a highly favoured and blessed mother. I would like to encourage you with this in a book I read today:
    “Today, when you look into the mirror, what do you see? Do you see yourself trapped in all your failings, mistakes and sins? OR do you see what God sees?
    My dear friend, when God sees you today, He sees Jesus. Use your eyes of faith and believe that as Jesus is, so are you. In God’s eyes, YOU are righteous, YOU are favoured, YOU are blessed and YOU are healed. YOU are freed from all sin, all pangs of guilt, all forms of condemnation and every bondage of addiction.”

    As Christ Jesus so are YOU in this world. JESUS came in Mary lived and died to make you the righteousness of God in Christ. That is God gift and promise to you. You have the promise already spoken over Mary because of what Jesus did for you. Hallelujah
    God bless you in your writing for the seeds of righteousness through grace that you are giving to every reader.
    Thanks for your words today, the richness and glory of God is in you.
    Tim ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you. I’ll take that with both hands!! God heard me…He answered through you. Bless you Tim.🧡

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