How To Access the Divine Presence of Jesus

I was never one of those kids with a wild imagination. In the playground, I was bemused by the elaborate game strategies and complex rules coming from the mouths of the kids in charge as they had the “vision” of how everything played out. It was all a great mystery to me. Now in adulthood I have found it no easier as a person who is very practical by nature, an “in the moment” girl.

I have just recently purchased an experiential book called “ACTIVATE” by Gabby Conlon. It is a toolkit for learning” to live in the realm of the spirit”, to see and experience a personal relationship, one on one in a moment through activations. …. suggestions for how to engage with Jesus through the power of our imagination.

The Oxford dictionary defines Imagination as the faculty or action of forming new ideas, images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses…. the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.

Many believe imagination to be make-believe…. a deluded practice. To you, I would just say, try before you buy! Like all things, to become proficient in any endeavour, it’s a decision, a choice…to practice, a commitment to the cause and a determination to see and enjoy the fruit of your labours. Try it. God loves to surprise!

One such activation was to tune into Holy Spirit and imagine Jesus inviting me on a road trip, see the vehicle or mode of transport, noting colours, details. See myself sitting with Jesus and ask Him what He wants to share with me.

Thanks to “The Chosen” tv series, it was easy for me to slip into this role of walking with Jesus along the dusty roads in the Galilean Hills. Those nomadic days of hot, dry air, living simply and humbly, sharing basic meals around a campfire under the stars after a long day of walking together…wiping the dust from my feet with a damp rag before climbing, footsore and weary into my makeshift tent to sleep the sleep of exhaustion.

Today as I wake and stretch out the kinks from sleeping on the ground, and come washed and refreshed to the campfire, Jesus is already seated. I am welcomed to sit next to Jesus. There is nothing extraordinary about this campsite, just basic necessities of shelter and food, a stone to sit on at the edge of the crackling fire…the early morning sun, not yet warm, flickers across the face of the King of Glory as He turns His eyes towards me. I am enamoured with this face…the fine lines around those eyes that see into the depths of my being and knows my innermost thoughts…. the play of laughter at the corners of His mouth…his nostrils twitching with the tickle of smoke rising from the fire. His skin is weathered from the sun, his hands rough and stained from years of apprenticing and working as a carpenter. I am suddenly overwhelmed by the thought that Jesus has invited me to be here, and I am sitting in the presence of The Divine. Yet …. a fellow traveller in every way human. My mind boggles as I try to wrap my head around the reality before me.

Jesus turns and speaks to me. It’s just the two of us in this time and space…in this very human encounter yet a holy moment.

“I want you to walk with Me today. Whatever and whomever comes our way, crosses our path, we will face together. As we walk, our feet step one at a time, walking towards whatever the Father has planned for us to bring change to. You don’t need to be anxious about what’s ahead because my Father knows, and I am here walking beside you… as His Son. I want you to walk these pathways with Me knowing that others, mighty men and women of God in their roles as warriors, prophets, kings …and simple folk, just walking in faith, have trodden these roads and byways ahead of you. They have left a testimony of faith for you to follow, accessed through My Word.

Today, feel the unhurried simplicity of it all. It’s not complicated. Create an atmosphere of peace in chaos, bring comfort and compassion to those who grieve and hurt, feed someone along the way, offer some water, love on others as you pass through. In this, you beat a pathway of testimony for those coming behind you to follow.

We walk many roads. We bump shoulders with humanity on the open roads in life…travellers for all kinds of reasons. Your interactions are not fixed time slots in a diary. Trust Me for divine appointments. Learn to respond with love and sensitivity in a moment. Trust my hand…my purpose in all you do…the mundane, the mandatory…the miraculous…. all in My perfect timing. Open your heart to the of the world around you, in your corner of influence. Opportunities are everywhere.

” In Tune”-ities…because they are wherever you are, waiting for your sensitivities to receive the signals, tap into Me and respond in the strength and power in My Name

Do what needs to be done and when you begin to feel yourself empty out, stop and refresh yourself, fill your love tank again in intimacy with Me. The road may at times be arduous, but you walk in peace and rest because I am with you. Walk with Me. Remain in tune with the life-force within you. “

Come for a walk …anywhere…. with Me today and see what/who I bring your way for you to release Me into the moment. Introduce Me as your friend, who is right there with you in this moment.”

Colossians 2:6,7,9 In the same way you received Jesus our Lord and Messiah by faith, continue your journey of faith, progressing further into your union with Him. Your spiritual roots go deeply into His life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way…. For He is the complete fullness of deity living in human form! And our completeness is now found in Him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us.

References and acknowledgments:

1.”ACTIVATION” Equipping and Empowering Everyday Believers to Live in the Realm of the Spirit.

By Gabby Conlon

With thanks and gratitude Gabby for your faithful obedience, for opening a door to experience Jesus through so many creative ideas. For anyone wishing to preview or purchase this extraordinary toolkit from Gabby, she has given permission to share her contact.

2.The Passion Translation Bible

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