“Seek for wisdom like a man would seek for sterling silver”.. verse 4

Reading the introduction to Luke’s gospel in the Passion Translation Luke speaks of Jesus’ disciples being “loving servants of the “Living Expression”. This term is translated directly from the Aramaic text, the Greek word is “logos”, a rich term meaning “Word”. Simmons, the principal translator of The Passion, writes in the footnotes of Luke Chapter One, “Jesus Christ is the eternal Word, the Creative Word, the Word made visible. He is the divine self-expression of all God is, contains and reveals. Wisdom is Jesus personified.

This really hit home to me as I read Proverbs Chapter Two. Solomon opens this Chapter with the question “My child, will you treasure my Wisdom?”, this personified Word. In searching for Wisdom, we are searching for the full expression…the “Living Expression” of God, in Jesus.

 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “God has transmitted His very substance into every Scripture, for it is God-breathed. It will empower you by His instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then, you will be perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.”

Lord, as I broach this blog process of Proverbs, I am daunted by the task. I have no formal learning, little experience and no “recognised authority” by human standards. All I have is my hunger for the experience of You and my aim to write in obedience. I ask for my eyes and heart to be opened as I search for understanding of the text before me…but then…it is more than just text, as we have just read. It is the person of God, the Living Expression of Him in the words on the page…. the very essence of Who He is in these words and His unique and purposely-directed word to me in this moment of reading.

The revelation of God Himself will be unique to every reader, to the one who reads and seeks with anticipation and hunger. Proverbs 8:9 says, “All my words are clear and straightforward to everyone who possesses spiritual understanding. If you have an open mind you will receive revelation knowledge.”

It is with this in mind, I write this prayer, in response to the words of Proverbs Chapter 2.

My Lord, you challenge me to value your Word, like treasure that I hide within me. I gather Your words like silver…. hidden treasure to store in my heart…. words of grace love, hope, freedom and correction. I hold precious every word you have to say to me.

I listen for Your voice, Lord. My heart and soul are open, not just to Your words but to their instruction and insight. I ask for Spirit’s Wisdom for those words, to know You more, to understand my value and place in Your heart and will…and to pass what I discover in the revelation of the layers of depth of meaning and intent for me, to others.

I thank You Lord that all wisdom comes from the mouth of God. Your word is the first place I should seek it and thank You for Your promise that You will give it freely when I ask. It is a generous gift from my Loving Father, every word pregnant with meaning and depth of knowledge welling up within me like a fountain. A quiet revelation Lord…a lifting of the veil…a gentle and intimate exposure and experience of your love for me from Your storehouse of wisdom.

Wisdom shields me from harm, protecting and guarding me in all my life choices. As I grow in understanding and relationship with You, Your word empowers me to choose rightly and I can rest in You and enjoy the knowing, coming into greater understanding of Your goodness, grace and love for me. This allows me true pleasure and rest in my soul and instils such confidence in my steps because wisdom guides my path and protects me from making poor choices. Wisdom, grant me Your good counsel so I need never fear being misled or fall victim to the deception of those who do not give credence to You.

Many temptations lay in wait for me, enticing and seemingly harmless. I am warned to yield to Wisdom and not be easily led astray by popular opinion or make compromises.  Those who take this path walk in treachery and prostitute themselves.

Wisdom’s call is to purity of mind and spirit, maintaining my commitment, enjoying life to the full and walking into all that You have for me in destiny and inheritance.

I honour Wisdom with thanksgiving. Amen.