Wisdom, Holy Spirit, Your Word invites me to consider what I am prepared to do to acquire and realise the release of Your truths and promises in my life. I trust Your instructions will bring to fruition the full outworking of the rewards of my commitment to my desire and longing for Wisdom.

You require my dedication to listening and hearing You in the words before me, learning to treasure every truth, to anchor me in what You reveal to me, examining each word and following closely every nuance of meaning You write on my heart. Teach me to trust in Your promises and store Your truths for living life well so I can claim those promises of a long, satisfying life. Let me be fruitful in my response to Your influence and control and how I impact the lives of those around me. Shape my life with integrity and let Your favour rest on me.

I am trusting You Lord, completely…at least I am learning to. Help me. Help me not to trust only in myself and my own understanding. Lord You know this as a weak point in my walk with You. This has been a lifelong pursuit of Yours, but I am aware of a greater veracity of pursuit in recent times. I am challenged to learn to trust You “with all my heart” and “adore You with undivided devotion.” I can no longer isolate sections or aspects of my life from You. There are no divided loyalties in Your world. You are a jealous God and require all of me…absolute surrender. Teach me that level of trust, what it looks like to be so open and intimate where I can freely bring all my cares and anxieties to You. I trust You with my life in all its mess, the ordinary and the extraordinary, to know You will guide me in every decision and lead me wherever I go. I trust You when You tell me that I will find healing refreshment my body and spirit long for and thank You for its expression in the beauty of Who You are.

Teach me Lord to honour You with all that You provide for me, giving it back to You as an offering. Immerse me in Your “abundant overflow of blessing and uncontainable joy” in every dimension of my life. Let me hold nothing back from You.

Lord give me the grace to accept Your correction, trusting that the discipline of my Loving Father for my good comes from Your passionate love and pleasure of me. It is not judgement but for my growth. Sometimes I need tough love. Father, set in me a burning desire for Your wisdom…to know its value and incomparable worth…a priceless gift. It brings me long life, wealth, promotion, and abundance. I thank You Lord for the wholeness, peace and untold blessings and healing it brings to me.

On what can I base such trust in You? Your Word tells me that “From the mouth of God, since the beginning of time… wisdom laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens.” You have even more so laid out Your plan for me. As I trust in You, keep me in Your ways to discover Your purpose and walk in Wisdom. You are my living understanding and hope. I thank You that I walk in Your security and safety, and by Your word, never stumble “because You are my confidence in crisis and my rest in every situation.”

I trust Wisdom’s counsel in how to conduct myself in all my relationships…casual, business, friends, family and intimate. Keep within me a heart of compassion, generosity, and grace towards everyone I interact with. I pray Your glory and honour will rest on me and I will be known always for my integrity of heart, mind, and soul.

Let me know and experience Wisdom. Open up for me this avenue of Intimacy that allows such precious exchanges…my trust for all that is available to me from My Father who supplies all my needs…an uneven exchange by my standards…but it is what You desire for and from me…for me to trust You and know the incomparable love of God.
