Wisdom as Guidance

Fruit, light, salt, seed

Proverbs Chapter 6

I am privileged to use the words of Brian Simmons’s introduction to the purpose of the book of Proverbs. He says, “Within this divinely anointed compilation of Proverbs there is a deep well of wisdom to reign in our lives and to succeed in our destiny.’ This “wisdom that God has designed for us to receive will cause us to excel…to rise up as rulers- to- be on earth for His glory. The kingdom of God is brought into earth as we implement the wisdom found in Proverbs”.

It is in this mind I present this prayer inspired by the Wisdom Challenge interview with John Maxwell on Proverbs Chapter 6.


Lord God, Solomon warns us here to beware of committing to deals and guarantees or giving promises, guaranteeing debt, or being legally bound to others that place another’s power over us. I thank You for the wisdom of such a God-fearing man as John Maxwell, a world renowned and sought-after leadership consultant. His advice on the words of this Proverb come from his experiential knowledge and wisdom in seeking to know the value of another before looking to the value of my investment, be it money, time, commitment, heart, or faith.

In all areas of my life, let all my dealings with others be according to Your values. Those values are the basis of all relationships and business dealings, being equally yoked always with Godly men and Kingdom advancements in all areas of my life. Teach me the value of working hard to attain and qualify for all You have entrusted to me in talents and abundance, always respecting and being thankful to You for all You have placed in my hands, whether they be seeds for growth for myself or others or my inheritance. Help me guard my ownership as gold and be mindful always of the responsibility and accountability I have in Your grace and trust in me in all matters of heart and hand. Lord let me translate this Kingdom gift to action as a show of thanks and an expression of my privilege and advantage because of Your blessings on my life.

Thank you for such a list of character traits to watch for…. traits which you clearly deplore. These traits of questionable and detestable character values and ethics are given to keep me vigilant Lord…to guard my heart and choices against such things so all I do will flourish by Your blessing. In a world of expressions of values deficit, let me exhibit in everything I am, have and do, the fruits of the Spirit as listed in Your Word in Galatians 5: 22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…expressions of Divine love…and hold these above all else. Help me to deliver these in ways and means that translate to every aspect of my life at work, home, and all business and social interactions with others. Let the outworking of these produce in me, salt, where all I do and say brings value and enhancement to every action, word, idea, where I highlight the contribution, gifts, and talents of others… and light, bringing hope to the hopeless, insight, wisdom and  value to all I do and to others in my dealings and relationships.

In a divisive world Lord, people are so readily devalued and treated less than You created them to be. Create in me a heart for all You value, always treating others with the love You have for each, seeing people with Your eyes and responding to their needs to be valued with Your heart.

You repeatedly charge me to teach my children Your ways and words and to keep these close to my heart, living them out daily in every aspect of life as a living example of Your grace, blessing, and truth. Awaken in me Lord, a desire to take every opportunity to mentor and share all You teach me, planting seeds in every situation and experience with another person that will produce fruit in the future.

Create in me a hunger and desire to live in such a way as to attract others to You so that I am known by my fruit…. that my family values and experiences will be honouring to You in my daily life. Keep me focused on You and Your Word, bringing wisdom and discernment to all my choices and decisions, now and each day, trusting You to open my eyes to see, to discern and know Your will, giving the Holy Spirit my complete submission to His influence and control in every aspect of life. Let me be a person of integrity and conviction Lord.

In Jesus name,
